Wednesday, April 18, 2012


My lack of writing should indicate how busy I have been with school. Who knew that everyone goes crazy your last semester of undergrad. 

Just wanted to give a bit of an update. 

To back track... I visited Belmont (in Nashville, TN) and Memphis over Spring Break.

Belmont was beautiful and everyone there is very passionate about what they have started. I see nothing but a bright future for Belmont; unfortunately I didn't see my future there. 

Memphis was in downtown. It had a sense of activity about it. The students... the city... the faculty... it felt like a place where you learn to be a professional instead of focusing on being a student (not quite sure that sentence makes any sense... sry). I loved it.

I deposited at Memphis. 

I am happy with my choice. I will say that I also accepted a spot on the University of Tennessee's wait list so I'll have to wait and see if anything materializes from that. Does anyone really know how these wait lists work? The school doesn't offer much guidance other than it's not yes and it's not no. 

On a different note, I graduate in three weeks. :) 
I am thrilled and nauseous all at the same time. I have a lot to accomplish between now and then. 

I hope this update finds everyone well.